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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How can I change the videos in my Massive Playbook™ video drills?

Your Massive Playbook™ drills section is set up to link seamlessly to YouTub. By creating your own YouTube channel, you can have COMPLETE control over your Playbook video library. Simply follow the steps below to setting up a YouTube account, then email or notify our team. We will need your YouTube link. Once we establish the connection, your YouTube account will be tied directly to your Playbook!
However, you can make a channel easily. Here’s how...

Anything you add or change in your YouTube account, will then dynamically be changed in your Playbook. Once you have established a YouTube account, please shoot me the link, and you will be able to manage it from there!

- Mp Team

How do I convert my Massive Playbook™ comma deliniated lists into .csv files?

Converting your MP lists into CSV files...

There are two main options, with same results...
First option-
Create a Word table, Select the entire table and Copy, paste into an Excel doc, save Excel doc as .csv

Second Option-
Word to Excel, Excel to .CSV
First copy and paste into MS Word or import your list directly into MS Excel, then save out as .csv file/s:

Step 1 (Into Excel):

Step 2 (From Excel into a .csv file):

- MP Team!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How to use the Massive Playbook Calendar function

Here are 3 simple steps for using your calendar feature. Please see the below step x step images. Note: any/all changes made to the calendar will automatically be saved to the emails you send. - MP Team

Monday, September 20, 2010

I can't see images in a message sent to my GMAIL account

Below are some easy and helpful links!

MP Team!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bad Email Culprits!!! (Can Not Save List and BAD emails)

Are you having trouble with your email lists? Are you getting the "Not Saved...Bad Email" error message?
Look for these troublesome characters within your email lists...

The 'TradeMark' logo (TM) - This will sometimes appear within your list. This is a BAD email. You must kill this email from your list!

The 'Apostrophe'(') - Sorry, NO apostrophes allowed in email names. You must kill this email!

The 'double-comma' separating lists (,,) - sometimes a double-comma may appear after an email address... One of them MUST be removed. NO double commas after email addresses, or separating email addresses! ALSO... BE SURE YOUR EMAIL LIST DOES NOT END WITH A COMMA!

The 'extra space' (  ) - Occasionally a double space at the end of an email list, or within an email list can cause problems. Kill the extra space!

Other known culprits include: ALL CAPS, "?" and other obscure characters that do not belong in email addresses.

- MP Team

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I left my computer, when I returned the message I was composing disappeared

Q: Upon returning to my computer after leaving for an hour, I resumed typing my message to my team. (My Massive Playbook™ email portal/site was still up so I thought I was fine.) However, when I went to save my message before sending, I was bounced out of the system. I though as long as my Massive Playbook™ screen was still on my screen I was okay to compose my letter.

A: After approximately 15minutes, Massive Playbook™ built in safety feature will bounce you out of your account. You may NOT get an onscreen warning. (This feature is to prevent anyone else from gaining access to your private message or email lists).

IF YOU PLAN on walking away from your computer for a long duration, you must SAVE the message that you are composing ("Save" button below messaging panel). Then log-out. Next time you log back in, your message will appear, as you had last left it. You can then resume typing/composing.

NOTE: For longer compositions, you can also type and save messages in a WOrd program, and import them into your email with a simple copy and paste.

- MP Team

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Do I ADD My Own Videos?

Currently, your "Coaches Drills" may be pulling content  from one of our content providers or a YouTube channel that we have created for you.

You can create your own YouTube channel for Massive Playbook™ to pull drills from. This will give you 100% control over your videos. You can add favorites or even upload videos, and ALL videos will automatically be added to your Playbook™.

Below is info (resources) on how to set up your YouTube account.

Please a member of our team know when you have your YouTube account set up. ( We will just need your name and password to connect your YouTube account to your personalized Playbook™account.


Thank you!

-MP Team

Comcast subscribers are not receiving emails

Sorry for the inconvenience, however this is a Comcast carrier issue.

1. Please contact us ( We will contact Comcast immediately!

2. A Comcast internet subscriber from your club can also call Comcast directly and complain that they are not receiving emails via "Massive Playbook™".  You can ask Comcast for a "white listing", allowing all emails from "Massive Playbook™" to be received.

Below is the direct contact information for Comcast:
Security Dept.  1-888-565-4329
Case# NA14815926

Thank You!  - MP Team

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ad sales for Massive Creative

A few questions regarding Massive Creative as I am literally wanting to start with a fresh, clean slate.

1.  How is the payment set up?  By number of clicks on ads or email?  Number of contacts?  Sales from ads?
$75 per ad placement. Ads are usually sold one-time for the season (like an ad journal). You can sell as many ads as you would like, as ads rotate with every email. So every ad gets equal visibility. Ads typically see from $200-$350 per ad. We can give you ad sponsor discount codes if you wish to sell ads below $350. The banner ad (ad above the small squares) is a premium position, and usually sells for $1250, as it has best visibility and never changes. We have discount codes for this ad sponsor as well.

MP program is MOST successful when integrated into your existing fundraising program. Please see the attached sample (IRSA Soccer) from a very successful club. This club raised nearly $15,000 with MP.

Below are 2 helpful links regarding ad sponsor sales...

How to sell ad sponsors

2.  How can we make the message look more like a Constant Contact communication?  I.e., page/line breaks, photo formatting?  I can provide an example if necessary.
The template we provide is standard (fixed). Unfortunately it can not be altered. However, it is FREE to use... Along with the FREE SMS!!

3.  Can we remove the one hour message creation limit?  This is something I would like to edit throughout the month as things come up and would rather not be restricted to using in a crunch.
Unfortunately, for privacy protection and bandwidth, the 1hr restriction must remain. However, many users first create their messages in a text creation tool (MS Word, Text Edit... Or even standard email)... Then paste into the message field.

Please see this helpful link about pasting from MS Word.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Login/Admin challenges when working in the web tool

It's possible that a coach's session can timeout while editing their site.

It's also possible that there can be an intermittent issue with your internet connection that can disrupt your session. 
In this case, please just log back into your site and continue.

- MP Team

When I cut/paste my url, I am not recognized as an administrator

Q:  Why can I not "cut and paste" links into my web builder, and be recognized as an administrator?

A. For security reasons, in order to work within web builder as an administrator, you must first "LOG IN". If you cut/paste a URL into your browser, you will always be recognized as strictly a 'viewer' (who is unable to make changes/updates)... until you log in as Administrator.

Thank You!

-MP Team 

Occasionally, I receive the ‘ADMINISTRATION’ button when working in the application

Q: When I am logged in I am recognized by both email and web builder platform. However, occasionally, I receive the ‘ADMINISTRATION’ button. In this case, when trying to log in I am unable to.

A. This may happen on occasion. If there is a 'temporary' issue with automatically logging in, please simply click on "administration" link and 'manually' log into your site. If you continue to experience difficulty, please contact us at

Sorry for any inconvenience. We are ALWAYS looking to get feedback and improve our system.

Thank You! - MP Team

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I want this email! But it went into Spam. What do I do?

It's easy to move emails out of the spam folder and into the folder where you want it to be.
    •    In your Spam folder, click the email to select it.
    •    Then click Not Spam, which is above the list of emails.
If you continue seeing these emails in your Spam folder and want them in a Non-Spam folder, you can set up a filter and send them to any folder you wish.

For additional information, check with your email provider for assistance on "unblocking" or "accepting" messages through your spam filter. -MP Team

Yahoo Mail Recipients-How to Set Your Mailbox to Accept Massive Playbook Emails!

1. If a "" emails lands in your spam folder:
It's easy to move emails out of the spam folder and into the folder where you want it to be.
    •    In your Spam folder, click the email to select it.
    •    Then click Not Spam, which is above the list of emails.
If you continue seeing these emails in your Spam folder and want them in a Non-Spam folder, you can set up a filter and send them to any folder you wish.

2. Common Email Receiving Errors (Spam):

One of your filters could be directing the email into a folder

If you've set up filters, the message from this sender might be going directly to a different folder from your Inbox. Here's how to check your filters:
    •    Click Options in the upper-right, and select Mail Options.
    •    Click Filters.
    •    See anything that might be capturing the mail you’ve been looking for?
    •    Note: Messages in Trash can be deleted at any time. Once messages are deleted, they're gone forever, and can't be retrieved.
You’re forwarding your mail to another email address
If you're forwarding your mail, it's going to another email address. Here's how to check:
    •    Click Options in the upper-right corner of the page, and select Mail Options.
    •    Under “Management”, click POP Access & Forwarding.
    •    Is the lower half of the page (Forwarding) selected? If so—and if you would like to discontinue it:
    •    Click the radio button for "Web and POP Access" at the top of the page.
    •    Click Save.
You’re blocking this user
The sender's address might be on your Blocked Addresses list. Mail from blocked senders doesn’t arrive or bounce—it’s simply discarded. Here’s how to check your Blocked Addresses list:
    •    Click Options in the upper-right corner of the page and select Mail Options.
    •    Under “Spam”, click Block Addresses.
    •    Scan the list for the address of the sender. If you see it, click it, then click Remove Block.

3. How to set your email to RECEIVE emails from "" address to avoid ANY chance of it going into spam:
You can bypass ANY chance of an email from "" going into your spam filter folder by EMAILING your contact at their account.

Here's how:
    •    Type your user a simple message
    •    Choose "send"
    •    During the verification process (which occurs AFTER you click "send"), you can simply choose to "add new recipients to my contacts"   -MP Team

Friday, January 8, 2010

How do I CLEAN my email list?

Here is a helpful link regarding managing your lists and proper email list "hygiene" (keeping your email lists current and up to date).

I have received a LOT of bounce-back emails!

Here is a helpful link regarding managing your lists and proper email list "hygiene" (keeping your email lists current and up to date).

Are some browsers faster than others?

Yes! Safari is typically much faster than Firefox, when using Massive Playbook™ -MP Team

My login time seems very slow

If you are managing extremely large lists, your login time may be longer than usual. Below is a helpful video link. - MP Team

I have registered, but I can not get into Playbook.

After you register (filling out all of the fields in the registration column, then choosing submit), look for an email confirmation in your inbox: "No Reply from Massive Playbook."

Inside this email, you will find a "link" that you must click to confirm your registration.

Once clicked and confirmed, you can then enter your login info (top left of screen) and you will be permitted to begin using Playbook. -MP Team