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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How can I change the videos in my Massive Playbook™ video drills?

Your Massive Playbook™ drills section is set up to link seamlessly to YouTub. By creating your own YouTube channel, you can have COMPLETE control over your Playbook video library. Simply follow the steps below to setting up a YouTube account, then email or notify our team. We will need your YouTube link. Once we establish the connection, your YouTube account will be tied directly to your Playbook!
However, you can make a channel easily. Here’s how...

Anything you add or change in your YouTube account, will then dynamically be changed in your Playbook. Once you have established a YouTube account, please shoot me the link, and you will be able to manage it from there!

- Mp Team

How do I convert my Massive Playbook™ comma deliniated lists into .csv files?

Converting your MP lists into CSV files...

There are two main options, with same results...
First option-
Create a Word table, Select the entire table and Copy, paste into an Excel doc, save Excel doc as .csv

Second Option-
Word to Excel, Excel to .CSV
First copy and paste into MS Word or import your list directly into MS Excel, then save out as .csv file/s:

Step 1 (Into Excel):

Step 2 (From Excel into a .csv file):

- MP Team!