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Sunday, August 29, 2010

I left my computer, when I returned the message I was composing disappeared

Q: Upon returning to my computer after leaving for an hour, I resumed typing my message to my team. (My Massive Playbook™ email portal/site was still up so I thought I was fine.) However, when I went to save my message before sending, I was bounced out of the system. I though as long as my Massive Playbook™ screen was still on my screen I was okay to compose my letter.

A: After approximately 15minutes, Massive Playbook™ built in safety feature will bounce you out of your account. You may NOT get an onscreen warning. (This feature is to prevent anyone else from gaining access to your private message or email lists).

IF YOU PLAN on walking away from your computer for a long duration, you must SAVE the message that you are composing ("Save" button below messaging panel). Then log-out. Next time you log back in, your message will appear, as you had last left it. You can then resume typing/composing.

NOTE: For longer compositions, you can also type and save messages in a WOrd program, and import them into your email with a simple copy and paste.

- MP Team

Monday, August 23, 2010

How Do I ADD My Own Videos?

Currently, your "Coaches Drills" may be pulling content  from one of our content providers or a YouTube channel that we have created for you.

You can create your own YouTube channel for Massive Playbook™ to pull drills from. This will give you 100% control over your videos. You can add favorites or even upload videos, and ALL videos will automatically be added to your Playbook™.

Below is info (resources) on how to set up your YouTube account.

Please a member of our team know when you have your YouTube account set up. ( We will just need your name and password to connect your YouTube account to your personalized Playbook™account.


Thank you!

-MP Team

Comcast subscribers are not receiving emails

Sorry for the inconvenience, however this is a Comcast carrier issue.

1. Please contact us ( We will contact Comcast immediately!

2. A Comcast internet subscriber from your club can also call Comcast directly and complain that they are not receiving emails via "Massive Playbook™".  You can ask Comcast for a "white listing", allowing all emails from "Massive Playbook™" to be received.

Below is the direct contact information for Comcast:
Security Dept.  1-888-565-4329
Case# NA14815926

Thank You!  - MP Team

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ad sales for Massive Creative

A few questions regarding Massive Creative as I am literally wanting to start with a fresh, clean slate.

1.  How is the payment set up?  By number of clicks on ads or email?  Number of contacts?  Sales from ads?
$75 per ad placement. Ads are usually sold one-time for the season (like an ad journal). You can sell as many ads as you would like, as ads rotate with every email. So every ad gets equal visibility. Ads typically see from $200-$350 per ad. We can give you ad sponsor discount codes if you wish to sell ads below $350. The banner ad (ad above the small squares) is a premium position, and usually sells for $1250, as it has best visibility and never changes. We have discount codes for this ad sponsor as well.

MP program is MOST successful when integrated into your existing fundraising program. Please see the attached sample (IRSA Soccer) from a very successful club. This club raised nearly $15,000 with MP.

Below are 2 helpful links regarding ad sponsor sales...

How to sell ad sponsors

2.  How can we make the message look more like a Constant Contact communication?  I.e., page/line breaks, photo formatting?  I can provide an example if necessary.
The template we provide is standard (fixed). Unfortunately it can not be altered. However, it is FREE to use... Along with the FREE SMS!!

3.  Can we remove the one hour message creation limit?  This is something I would like to edit throughout the month as things come up and would rather not be restricted to using in a crunch.
Unfortunately, for privacy protection and bandwidth, the 1hr restriction must remain. However, many users first create their messages in a text creation tool (MS Word, Text Edit... Or even standard email)... Then paste into the message field.

Please see this helpful link about pasting from MS Word.